Feedback is a gift
We always welcome feedback about our staff, clubs and activities. This form is for general feedback and ideas, if your feedback concerns a specific incident please email this directly to and it will be escalated as is appropriate.
You said
"A more direct route from parents to the CEO and trustees"
"More activities across a wider area of Mid Sussex"
"More avenues for communication to Parents"
"Concessions for lower-income families"
"Ask for feedback more regularly"
We did
Created a Parent Rep Trustee role. Linsey sits on our Trustee board and has regular meetings with our CEO and Operations team. If you would like to chat with Linsey, you can email her here.
We have expanded our family day provision to include East Grinstead and welcome members to join us from across the county. Members who live closer to our day out are able to meet us at the location rather than travel with us.
We have a Facebook community group that we use to communicate with our member's families. Linsey has been elected as Parent Rep who is available to listen to parents' feedback at any time. We run monthly coffee mornings with our operations team where parents and carers can come and meet with our team and other members' families.
Kangaroos has developed a bursary scheme for members from lower income families. For more information, please email us here.
We have created this page where people can leave anonymous feedback at any time. We send out feedback surveys to our members and parents each term. Our groups are asked each year what trips and activities they would like to go on.